Worms are easily picked up by your pet and can sometimes be passed on to humans.
Tick Prevention
The most common ticks in our area are the Paralysis Tick and Bush Tick.
Heartworm Prevention
Heartworm is a common disease but fortunately it’s easy to prevent.
Weight Control Programs
Does your pet need to lose weight?
Microchipping and Scanning
We microchip cats and dogs. We are able to scan and quickly rehome the many stray dogs that are bought to us, especially after storms.
Oncology has become a very important part of our practice with many patients receiving chemotherapy, usually after surgical resection of tumours. We frequently utilise the services of specialist veterinary oncologists via email and telephone consultations, to help us tailor the chemotherapy protocols.
Dental Care
Dentistry for your pet has become a very important part of preventative health care. Often this can be overlooked as our pets can’t tell us that they have a sore tooth and most of the time they don’t show many outward signs of dental disease. Examination is the key to determining whether treatment is needed. …
Used especially for shallow skin tumours such as skin cancer in cats.
Desexing helps in your pet’s long term health and behaviour training.
In the sad event of a pet’s death, we are able to organise cremation and return of the ashes.