Have you seen mushrooms popping up in your yards after the recent wet and humid weather? 🍄
Did you know Mushrooms can be very toxic to our pets if they eat them!
Mushrooms can pop up anywhere in your yard, parks, walkways, and garden beds. Please regularly check your yards and surrounds for mushrooms especially if your pet is an outdoor animal.
Symptoms of Mushroom poisoning are:
❌Abdominal pain
There are hundreds of different types of mushrooms with different toxins.
Toxins can be classed into four categories:
• Neuro toxic -> affects nervous system
• Hepato toxic -> affects liver
• Nephro toxic -> affects kidneys
• Gastro Intestinal
If you think your pet has possibly eaten any mushrooms please give us a call ASAP on 49459677 Belmont or 49436066 Charlestown!