As the weather cools down, we often see arthritis start to rear its ugly head in our pets. Arthritis causes chronic pain, and can often be difficult to detect. Animals often won’t limp, or cry out in pain as they would with acute pain. Sometimes the signs can be as simple as not wanting to play as much, interacting less, or just walking a little differently. Often, pets will still do things that we would expect them to avoid (like jumping up on the couch to snuggle with you, chasing their favourite ball, or running after possums) because the perceived reward or endorphin rush this creates outweighs the pain it causes. Or, they simply don’t know that there is an alternative- the only way they know to get those cuddles with Mum is to jump up onto the couch, even though it hurts! There are lots of ways to help pets with arthritis, and we can guide you in putting a plan in place. To book an appointment, give us a call on 02 49459677 (Belmont), 02 49436066 (Charlestown), or use our online booking portal.