Ringworm is a fungal (yes, not actually a worm!) skin disease we occasionally see in young or immune-compromised animals. Lately however, we have been seeing a rise in cases in our area.
This is likely as a result of prolonged, humid weather. Ringworm is contagious to humans and other animals, so if you notice any suspicious skin lesions on your dog or cat, it is best to get them checked.
Symptoms include patches of hair-loss, with flakey or inflamed skin, and sometimes red/pink rings. These may be itchy, or not itchy.
If you suspect your pet may have ring worm, avoid touching them until they are checked, and always wash your hands if you do. Children, pregnant women and immune-compromised persons should avoid contact with the pet and their bedding and toys.
Please give us a call at Charlestown on 49436066 or Belmont on 49459677 if you are concerned.