In the current rat and mouse plague, extra care needs to be taken to help protect our birds of prey, natives and pets from accidentally ingesting rat sac. The brodifacoums are 2nd generation rodenticides that last in our pets body for up to 6 weeks and cause fatalities within a few days if left untreated. The antidote is vitamin K.
The Multiguard Iron EDTA snail bait is harmful to your pet and is not pet friendly. Alternative natural remedies for snails and slugs include used ground coffee granules around your vegetable patch.
It is critical you seek veterinary attention if there is any risk of ingestion immediately to induce vomiting. Mouse and rat traps are the best way to catch the rodents rather than baits. If baits are used they should be secured to an object (to avoid them being moved), be in a concealed space (roof cavity) and have them inaccessible to wild life.