Recently there has been a confirmed Leptospirosis case in the suburb Speers Point.
Leptospirosis is a deadly disease spread by rats/mice. Leptospirosis is a highly contagious zoonotic disease, meaning it can spread to people.
Some steps you can take to protect your dog are:
– Stay Away from rat infested areas.
– Don’t allow them to drink from water puddles or eat unknown objects.
– Avoid swimming in ponds/lakes.
-Get the Leptospirosis vaccination.
Although we have not yet seen cases at our hospitals, we have the leptospirosis vaccination available now at our hospitals.
If your dog has never had the leptospirosis vaccination before then its recommended to have a booster 2 weeks later.
Please contact us on our website or alternatively you can phone 49459677 Belmont or 49436066 Charlestown to make an appointment.