Please be aware and keep out of reach of your furry friends the many Christmas food and decorations that can be hazardous.
-Chocolate – which contains a stimulant, which can be severely poisonous to dogs and cats.
-Mince Pies and Christmas Puddings – all grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas are toxic to dogs; as are foods that contain them – which means no mince pies or puddings for your pooch!
-Macadamia nuts – often found in biscuits or eaten as a decadent Christmas snack, these nuts cause severe illness in dogs.
-Garlic, onion and chives – found in many festive foods like gravy, stuffing and sausages, all Allium species are poisonous to dogs.
-Alcohol – can cause severe liver and brain damage in animals. As little as a tablespoon can lead to problems for your cat or dog.
There are also Christmas ornaments and other items to be mindful of that have the potential of being risks to pets like:
-Tinsel – while it might look like a lot of fun to play with, tinsel can cause dangerous blockages in an animal’s stomach if ingested.
-Snow Globes – imported versions can contain antifreeze. As little as one tablespoon can be fatal for a cat.
-Candles – they may create a cosy atmosphere, but candle flames can burn paws and the curious noses of furry friends.
-Fairy Lights – Cats are curious little creatures and will try to chew on anything, including fairy lights which can burn and even electrocute them.
If your pet consumes any of the listed toxins above please contact Charlestown on 49436066/Belmont on 49459677 and out of hours @arec_vet Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre on 49577106 #thelakeveterinaryhospital#yourpetsarepartofourfamilytoo#pettoxins#staysafe#christmas#dogsofnewcastle#catsofnewcastle#merrychristmas#christmastoxins#furbabies