As the weather begins to cool, we may to see our older furry friends slow down a little. Perhaps they sleep for more of the day or are less excited for their morning walk. Sometimes they will become less playful or may even become irritated by others.
This is often due to arthritis – a term used to describe the progressive, degenerative changes to old joints. Cold weather can increase discomfort caused by this painful condition and we often see pets first show symptoms of arthritis during the winter months. Symptoms generally include a stiff-legged gait, reluctance to use stairs or jump, slow to rise, less play and movement throughout the day, and pain reactions when sore areas are touched.
Arthritis is progressive, however there are many ways we can help our furry friends feel more comfortable as they age:
• Keep elderly pets warm in winter, especially at night.
• Provide soft, supportive bedding.
• Joint supplements can aid in keeping joints healthy.
• Prevent situations where elderly pets can injure themselves- ramps to get on/off furniture.
• Maintain your pet at a healthy, lean weight to reduce excess strain on joints.
• Medication can be given by our vets to help old joints move better, and greatly reduce the pain our old pets are feeling.
If you think your dog or cat may be developing signs of arthritis, please book in with one of our vets for an assessment so we can provide them some well-deserved comfort before the cold months arrive.
Please book online or ring 49436066 and or ring 49459677 to see one of our friendly veterinarians.