When a pet passes, we here to help you in this difficult time.
Senior Puppy/Good Dog Manners
Mixed age dog training classes
Puppy Pre-School
Our popular classes are designed for for puppies with a starting age of 8-14 weeks.
Behavioural Consultations
Behavioural consultations are available to help owners manage difficult or problem behaviours. Digging Barking Jumping Mild anxiety Anti-social behaviour Pulling on lead Chewing Inappropriate toileting All training methods are scientifically proven and humane. We only use positive reward based training techniques. These will help your dog become a well-behaved dog and enjoyable companion for life.
Puppy Prep
Private training for puppies who are older or have special needs.
Senior Health Care
Pets aged over 7 years need regular checkups to stay healthy.
House Calls and Pet Ambulance
Having difficulty getting to our practice? We are here to help you.
A vital part of preventative health care for your pet.
Both Charlestown and Belmont have excellent X-ray facilities.
All pets undergoing a dental procedure have their teeth thoroughly assessed before treatment. We use ultrasonic dental scalers and high speed drills similar to those used by human dentists. The dental drills allow non-traumatic extraction of diseased teeth reducing post operative pain and allowing faster recovery from major dental work. We also use local anaesthetic …