We had the pleasure of welcoming a litter of Australian Shepherds into the clinic for their first vaccinations They were a big bundle of cuteness to have in the clinic! We look forward to watching them grow and explore the world #yourpetsarepartofourfamilytoo#thelakeveterinaryhospital #australianshepherd
Ear Care
During this time of the year we are seeing increasing number of ear infections due to the humidity and allergies. At the Lake Veterinary Hospital we believe preventive care is the best tool to stop causes advancing to infection and causing discomfort to your furry friends. Any dog can get an ear infection. But long-eared …
Spring has sprung, which means all the beautiful flowers and plants are starting to bloom!
Did you know, many of the common plants, springtime flowers and fruit trees that can be found in our backyards and local parks have toxins or seeds that can be harmful to our pets? Some examples include Brulfensia (yesterday today tomorrow plant) , Macadamia trees, Sago palms, Lilies to name a few. Take care to …
Spring has sprung, which means all the beautiful flowers and plants are starting to bloom!Read More
Arthritis is a condition that leads to pain and progressive degeneration of the joint. It can affect many aspects of a dog’s life including causing limited mobility, painful joints and a poor quality of life. It is important to look out for signs like limping, slowing down on walks, being slow to rise or having …
Winter is here and so is the cooler weather.
It’s time to discuss arthritis support for our four-legged friends. Our arthritis injection program allows our veterinarians to deliver medication that has anti-inflammatory and joint protective effects on arthritic joints. Many dogs have noticeable improvement in mobility after the first injection. Ask our friendly team if this is an option for your pet.
Canine Blood Donors Needed
Canine blood donors help ensure we have enough emergency blood supply.
Heat Stroke
Here are some helpful tips for summer: -Clipping and brushing your pet is a goodidea.-It is essential that your pets haveadequate shade to rest in at this time ofyear. Provide a shady spot on the easternside of your home with plenty of water – Unlimited supply of full water bowlsplaced in shady areas.– A clam …
Tick Season
Paralysis Ticks are out and about. Tick paralysis can be deadly to your family pets! We recommend Nexgard monthly chews for dogs and Bravecto spot on 3 monthly on for cats. It is best to clear your yard of low lying bushes and long grass. Daily tick searches are required to ensure any ticks are removed …
How do I keep my dog’s teeth clean?
Brushing your dog’s (or cat’s) teeth is the best way to keep their pearly whites in tip top shape! Brushing can be performed using a tooth brush (either a baby brush or a pet specific brush) and flavoured paste or Oxyfresh gel. Sometimes this can be a bit overwhelming to start with, so a good …
During this time of the year we are seeing increasing number of ear infections due to the humidity and allergies. At the Lake Veterinary Hospital we believe preventive care is the best tool to stop causes advancing to infection and causing discomfort to your furry friends. We recommend weekly ear cleaning with a gentle ear …