We have already seen a few ticks’ cases in the practices. The paralysis tick may be small but can be deadly to your furry friends. Preventatives should be used all year round. We recommend Bravecto for cats and dogs every 3 months or Nexgard for dogs every month. Tick symptoms can include: : wobbly/weakness in …
Allergies are a common cause of recurrent skin and ear problems seen in dogs. They can be caused by fleas, dust and pollen,plants or food. A diagnosis can be determined by a thorough allergy questionnaire, looking at the distribution of skin lesions, and/or running an elimination diet trial. If your pet suffers from ongoing itchiness …
Arthritis is a condition that leads to pain and progressive degeneration of the joint. It can affect many aspects of a dog’s life including causing limited mobility, painful joints and a poor quality of life. It is important to look out for signs like limping, slowing down on walks, being slow to rise or having …
Is your cat due for a check-up?
Regular health checks can help us to identify any early signs of health issues. Cats are good at hiding illness, So finding problems early increases the chance for effective treatment. Please book online https://www.lakevet.com.au/book-online-charlestown-vet/ or ring 49436066 and https://www.lakevet.com.au/book-online-belmont-vet/ or ring 49459677 to see one of our friendly veterinarians.
Winter is here and so is the cooler weather.
It’s time to discuss arthritis support for our four-legged friends. Our arthritis injection program allows our veterinarians to deliver medication that has anti-inflammatory and joint protective effects on arthritic joints. Many dogs have noticeable improvement in mobility after the first injection. Ask our friendly team if this is an option for your pet.
Is your pet up to date with its vaccinations?
Is your pet up to date with its vaccinations? Parvovirus, a deadly virus that affects dogs, increases in prevalence around now and can be picked up from local parks. Help protect your pets by making sure their vaccinations are up to date before heading outdoors. Please phone 49459677 Belmont or 49436066 Charlestown.
Ear Care
During this time of the year we are seeing increasing number of ear infections due to the humidity and allergies. At the Lake Veterinary Hospital we believe preventive care is the best tool to stop causes advancing to infection and causing discomfort to your furry friends. Any dog can get an ear infection. But long-eared …
Introducing our new puppy school trainer Bec
Bec is a dedicated and caring veterinary nurse, receptionist and Delta Trainer who joined our team in 2020. Bec has completed a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing (2016) and Certificate IV in Animal Behavior and Training (2023). Bec loves behavior and puppy training and now runs our puppy training classes at Belmont and Charlestown. Bec …
To all our loyal clients and furry friends:
We will be CLOSED on Saturday 11th February Please make sure to organise any medication or food collection prior to 4pm Friday 10th February afternoon. We apologise for any inconvenience. For any out of hours emergencies contact Newcastle Animal Emergency Centre 49577106. We will reopen on Monday 13th February at 8am. Wishing everyone a beautiful …
Watch out for Mushrooms in your yard?
Have you seen mushrooms popping up in your yards after the recent wet and humid weather? 🍄Did you know Mushrooms can be very toxic to our pets if they eat them!Mushrooms can pop up anywhere in your yard, parks, walkways, and garden beds. Please regularly check your yards and surrounds for mushrooms especially if your …